The Urban Internet Company Canada
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Hi, my name is Warren. I am the man behind the scenes at The Urban Internet Company, one of Canada's Internet Service Providers. Welcome to the Blog for The Urban Internet Company!

Running an internet service provider is not an easy task. In may ways it seems like the CRTC gives with one hand, and takes away with the other. For example on the one hand they create the ability for us to exist as an internet provider and to access the cable company lines so that we can offer our internet plans, but on the other hand they can wake up one morning, (perhaps after a beer with a large company in an Ottawa pub), and in the blink of an eye overturn years of it's own study and research and launch off in a bold new direction, leaving a trail of wrecked and dying companies behind it. Just ask a lot of our competitors, who went out of business, or sold out to the 'big guys', or 'put themselves up for sale', due to the fallout of the wholesale rates being overturned by the CRTC.

That said, thanks to the CRTC, Canadians do have more competition among internet service providers (ISPs) in Canada, than Americans do. Canada likely even has a lot more ISPs than they do in the USA, which has 10 times our population. So at no point in time is the handing over this industry to our American cousins a good idea, as they do not allow us to compete down there, like the CRTC does up here. They have no parallel set of policies that enables the type of competition in the USA that the CRTC does in Canada.

The Urban Internet Company is alive and well, despite the 'challenges' that have been tossed our way. We still offer home internet plans in most urban parts of Canada, over cable company TV lines, with the use of the cable company line included in the price. (We do not offer TV channels.) We are not owned by Rogers, Bell, Cogeco, Videotron, or Telus.

This Blog will be added to from time to time, so let's see where it takes us!